I recently moved in with my boyfriend and he asked me to design a window drawing for the kitchen window. He wanted a street, specifically the Putstreet (where we live). I thought it was a fun challenge, so first I sketched the houses using Google streetview.

Then I digitized them and turned it into a printable (following the size of the kitchen window). It turned out to be quite a big window drawing. Next I cut it out and put the pieces together.

Luckily my boyfriend was home and he could help me with taping it on the outside. Me and my spacial awareness aren't the best of friends, so I made a calculation error and it turned out to be too small, but it wasn't a disaster!

This window has the tendency to fog up, so I used a paint marker (2-3 mm). It's double glass, so I drew with one eye closed (so the distortion wouldn't be so bad).

First, it really bothered me the lines weren't straight or clean, but then I realized that's exactly what makes it handmade and unique, so I let that go and that way it was way more fun to do! So fellow-perfectionists, LET IT GO! ;)

This took me about 1,5 hour and then came the best part: the reveal!

I'm happy with how it turned out. Here and there I tried to correct with a q-tip and turpentine, but that made it worse (I do not recommend that!). I haven't found a way that does work, if I do I'll update the blog.

Oh! On the inside it'll look less fun and a bit grayish, but don't worry, as you can tell from the pictures, on the outside it looks great (photos are unedited).

Would you like a custom window drawing of your street or something else? That's possible! Have a look over here for more information and the prices. Have a great weekend!

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